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Speed camera question

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 5:30 pm
by Geno
Driving along today in an industrial estate near Gatwick I was lost trying to find the venue for a course I was on so my attention was mostly on the surrounding buildings and it is fair to say that I was not paying as much attention to the road as I ordinarily would. Anyway, I see a gatso up ahead pointing my way so I ignore it. I'm already going pretty slow due to being lost but as I'm looking out the passenger window at the nearest building there's a big flash.

I can't remember whether there was a car on the other side of the road at the time and ordinarily with it being a gatso and there being no lines on my side of the road I would just ignore it as it's obviously not flashed for me. However...............

In front of the camera maybe 15 yards down the road (I had to double back so got a good look) there is another pole sticking out the ground with what looks like the shape of a small camera on the top of it but which appears to just house a giant bulb.

The questions is - what is that all about? I'm guessing I'll be OK given the camera's direction etc (plus I don't think I was speeding anyway) but I've never seen one of these things before and wondered if anyone else has?

I can't find a picture of one anywhere so the closest thing is like the one below but imagine a single head on it and a clear looking bulb:

Re: Speed camera question

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 5:32 pm
by SeanEP3
I always thought they were the flash?

Re: Speed camera question

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 10:46 pm
by Geno
Certainly looked like one but I thought all gatsos had their own flash bulb so wondered if it could be something else.